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From Lech to Rüfispitze

From Lech to Rüfispitze

Rüfispitze am Abend
Gipfelanstieg Ruefispitze, 2.632 m
Blick Richtung Rüfikopf
Hiking trail

From Lech you go up to the Rüfikopf, past the mountain railway station and the panorama restaurant. Up to the summit of the Rüfispitze with a magnificent panoramic view.

From Lech the trail leads steeply uphill over the Schafalpe through the Geoweg to the Rüfikopf mountain station. After about two hours you reach the Rüfikopf mountain station with its panorama restaurant. Here you already have the first opportunity to take a short rest, fortify yourself and then start the summit ascent to Rüfispitze. The trail first leads downhill to Lake Monzabon and then steeply uphill. The path is rocky and rocky. Sure-footedness and a head for heights are prerequisites. Continue along the Grad, always towards the summit.

3:57 h


From Rüfiplatz in Lech, behind the Pfefferkorn Hotel, the steep ascent leads uphill. Then follow the signposted hiking trail to Rüfikopf. At first the path leads through the forest moderately steeply uphill. Soon the characteristics of the path change. The path leads through the forest, soon leaving the tree line behind, mountain pines line the path until you reach the Schafalpe after about an hour. The meadow path continues uphill, soon it becomes stony and rocky. One is at the Geoweg Rüfikopf and the Steinmänli. After another hour you reach the mountain station Rüfikopf and the panorama restaurant. You can take a short rest, have a snack or follow the signposted path down to Lake Monzabon. From here the ascent leads to the summit of Rüfispitze. The stony path goes over a ridge, is partly exposed and later in serpentines steeply to the summit. Sure-footedness and a head for heights are essential.
Descent either as ascent or optional with the mountain railway back into the valley.
Option 2: at Lake Monzabon you can descend via the Monzabonalpe to Zürs.


A visit to the Kästle Museum!
A rest in the panorama restaurant Rüfikopf!



Best time of year



Good footwear (ankle high, profiled sole), backpack with provisions, drinks, rain cover, Lech Card and bus timetable.

Safety information

140 Alpine emergencies throughout Austria
144 Alpine emergencies Vorarlberg
112 Euro emergency call (works with any mobile phone/network)

Public transport

Take the train to Langen am Arlberg or St. Anton am Arlberg station. From there, buses (no. 750+760) run at regular intervals to Lech Zürs am Arlberg.

Tour facts

Data source
vcloud, ID ad5ec778-11e1-4cfe-9c33-6cc37e356470
Last updated
05.09.2024, 14:39:14